Fruit and Veg

Cabbage Dhead/​Plain/​Green
$6.28 each
Cabbage Dhead/​Plain/​Green Half
$3.66 each
Cabbage Green Organic Half
$5.23 each
Cabbage Red
$6.28 each
Cabbage Red Half
$3.66 each
Cabbage Savoy
$8.38 each
Cabbage Savoy Half
$4.71 each
$15.00 each
Capsicum Green Large
$1.57 each (approx.) $6.28 per kg
Capsicum Red
$1.31 each (approx.) $5.23 per kg
Capsicum Red Small Prepack
$2.08 each
Capsicum Yellow
$2.45 each (approx.) $13.63 per kg
Capsicums Red Organic
$20.98 per kg
$0.56 each (approx.) $3.13 per kg
Carrots Dutch
$3.66 each
Carrots Organic
$9.43 per kg
Carrots Organic Bag 1kg
$8.38 each
Carrots Purple Bag 500g
$3.66 each
Carrots Snacking 250g
$3.66 each
Cauliflower Half
$3.13 each
Cauliflower Whole
$5.23 each
Cauliflower Whole Organic
$7.33 each
$6.28 each
Celery Half
$2.08 each
Celery Organic
$8.38 each
Celery Organic Half
$4.71 each
Celery Whole
$3.66 each
Celosia Brain
$18.00 each
Ceres Micro Wasabi Pea
$7.33 each
Chat Potatoes
$6.28 per kg
Cherries Organic Punnet 300g
$12.58 per kg
Cherries White
$20.98 per kg
Cherry Vine Tomato Pre Pack 250g
$5.23 each
Chestnuts Loose
$17.83 per kg
Chilli Bull Horn Red
$12.58 per kg
Chilli Bullet Red
$36.73 per kg
Chilli Bullet Red Prepack 70g
$4.18 each
Chilli Green (​approx 3-4)
$0.27 each (approx.) $13.63 per kg
Chilli Jalapeno Prepack 80g
$4.18 each
Chilli Red (​each)
$0.47 each (approx.) $31.48 per kg
$5.23 each
Choy Gai Baby Pre Pac
$31.48 per kg
Coconut Drinking
$5.23 each
Coolibah Italian Salad Mix 100
$3.13 each
Coolibah Spinach Leaves 120g
$3.13 each
$3.13 each
Corn Organic Twinpack
$5.23 each
Couples Box
$52.50 each
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