Fruit and Veg

Photo of Alfalfa Mung Bean Sprouts

Alfalfa Mung Bean Sprouts 125g

$3.13 each

Photo of Alfalfa Sprouts

Alfalfa Sprouts 125g

$3.13 each

Photo of Apples Gala P/P

Apples Gala P/​P 2kg

$8.38 each

Photo of Apples Granny Smith Large

Apples Granny Smith Large

~ $0.63 each ($4.18 per kg)

Photo of Apples Granny Smith Pre Pack

Apples Granny Smith Pre Pack 2kg

$6.28 each

Photo of Apples Jazz

Apples Jazz

~ $0.95 each ($7.33 per kg)

Photo of Apples Pink Lady Large

Apples Pink Lady Large

~ $1.34 each ($8.38 per kg)

Photo of Apples Pink Lady Organic

Apples Pink Lady Organic

$9.43 per kg

Photo of Apples Pink Lady Pre Pack

Apples Pink Lady Pre Pack 2kg

$8.38 each

Photo of Apples Royal Gala Sml

Apples Royal Gala Sml

~ $0.50 each ($4.18 per kg)

Photo of Apricots Organic

Apricots Organic

$17.83 per kg

Photo of Asparagus Australian Bunch

Asparagus Australian Bunch

$6.28 each

Photo of Asparagus Green

Asparagus Green

$6.28 each



$3.13 each

Photo of Avocado Hass Large

Avocado Hass Large

$4.50 each

2 for $8
Photo of Avocado Organic

Avocado Organic

$4.71 each

2 for $8
Photo of Baby Corn

Baby Corn

$5.23 each

Photo of Baby Spinach Organic Pre pack (120gm)

Baby Spinach Organic Pre pack (​120gm)

$5.23 each

Photo of Baby Spinach Pre pack

Baby Spinach Pre pack 100g

$3.13 each

Photo of Bananas


~ $0.75 each ($4.18 per kg)

Photo of Bananas Lady Finger

Bananas Lady Finger

~ $2.73 each ($13.63 per kg)

Photo of Bananas Organic

Bananas Organic

$6.28 per kg

Photo of Bananas Red Tip

Bananas Red Tip

$6.28 per kg

Photo of Basil Green

Basil Green

$4.18 each

Photo of Basil Sweet Pots

Basil Sweet Pots

$6.28 each

Photo of Basil Thai

Basil Thai

$4.18 each

Photo of Bay Leaf

Bay Leaf

$4.18 each

Photo of Beans Green

Beans Green 250g

~ $3.41 each ($13.63 per kg)

Photo of Beanshoots 250

Beanshoots 250

$3.13 each

Photo of Beetroot Baby

Beetroot Baby

$5.23 each

Photo of Beetroot Bunch

Beetroot Bunch

$7.33 each

Photo of Beetroot Loose

Beetroot Loose

~ $1.15 each ($5.23 per kg)

Photo of Beetroot Organic

Beetroot Organic

$7.33 per kg

Photo of Billy Button Bouquet

Billy Button Bouquet

$25.00 each

Photo of Birdseye Chillli

Birdseye Chillli 70g

$4.18 each

Photo of Blackberries Pnt

Blackberries Pnt 125g

$5.23 each

Photo of Blackberries Punnet Organic

Blackberries Punnet Organic

$7.33 each

Photo of Blueberries

Blueberries 375g

$12.58 per kg

Photo of Blueberries Jumbo Pnt

Blueberries Jumbo Pnt 125g

$5.23 each

2 for $9
Photo of Blueberries Organic Punnet

Blueberries Organic Punnet 125g

$9.43 each

Photo of Blueberries Punnet

Blueberries Punnet 125g

$4.71 each

2 for $8
Photo of Broccoli


~ $2.05 each ($7.33 per kg)

Photo of Broccoli Chinese Bunch

Broccoli Chinese Bunch

$2.92 each

Photo of Broccoli Organic

Broccoli Organic

~ $6.46 each ($11.53 per kg)

Photo of Broccolini Bunch

Broccolini Bunch

$3.66 each

2 for $6
Photo of Broccolini Organic

Broccolini Organic

$6.28 each

Photo of Brussel Sprouts (Loose)

Brussel Sprouts (​Loose)

~ $0.34 each ($13.63 per kg)

Photo of Cabbage Chinese Half

Cabbage Chinese Half

$5.23 each

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