Papaya Half

Approximately $6.29 each $10.48 per kg


Very similar to a Pawpaw, unlike many other soft-fleshed fruits, the Papaya can be cut and prepared ahead of serving time - it does not darken or discolour when exposed to air. Papayas are jam packed with Vitamin C. They also contain vitamin A and iron. Papayas are beautiful when eaten fresh – simply cut is half, remove the seeds and eat with a spoon. Top them with lemon or lime juice for a terrific sweet and sour taste, or top with honey or sugar if you find the taste a little tart. They can be used in fruit salads. Papayas can be halved and stuffed with savoury fillings and baked. They go very well with chicken, pork or scallops. Indigenous Americans have used Papaya for thousands of years to break down to marinade and tenderize meat. It is a popular ingredient in Thai dishes - particularly in curries salads and stews. Although the seeds are not usually eaten, they can be - the seeds have a sharp spicy taste. The most common use for these seeds is to puree them and added to French Dressing or used in marinade. Store at room temperature until ripe, then wrap in cling wrap and place in the fridge.

Country of origin

Grown in Australia