Brussel Sprouts (Loose)

Approximately $0.16 each $6.28 per kg


Brussel sprouts are an excellent source of vitamin C; and a moderate source of fibre, phosphorous, iron and vitamin A. Do not overcook or a sulphur smell develops - this is why some people complain about eating them - they just haven't tasted a well cooked brussel sprout! There is nothing like a perfectly cooked, garden fresh brussel sprout with a touch of salt and butter. To prepare, remove the dry or damaged leaves, trim the stem, then score the stem to allow the heat to penetrate. Boil, steam, stir-fry or microwave until just tender. Keeps for 7 days in your crisper, or in a plastic bag with a paper towel, in the fridge.

Place of origin


Country of origin

Grown in Australia